n Ribeira Seca (Inferior) -
Canyons > Ribeira Seca (Inferior)

Presença de Levada que controla o caudal

Ribeira Seca (Inferior)

Curso de água: Ribeira Seca  (Santana)

Aberto por Rui Dantas, Izamberto Silva em 1989
Reequipado por Antoine Florin, Silvain Présumey, Gilles Castagnet, Patrice Marain e Adamowitz em Maio de 2002


Na estrada ER 103 que liga o Ribeiro Frio ao Faial vire para o estradão de terra sobre a ponte em #1. São cerca de 4km que podem ser percorridos com um veículo normal dependendo do estado da estrada. Deixe o carro junto à Central da Fajã da Nogueira #2. Nesta zona tem início um túnel que liga a Central à Ribeira Seca. O canyon começa logo após o fim do túnel.


Depois do último rapel e após 100 metros de marcha a saída é efetuada pela margem direita. Suba pelo estradão cerca de 10 minutos e vire depois à esquerda por uma vereda que desce um pouco ao início mas que depois se mantém quase plana até #3 local onde deverá deixar o outro carro estacionado.


  • Atendendo à extensão da bacia de captação esta ribeira é sujeita a aluviões frequentes, o que provoca a alteração significativa do leito, e à destruição das amarrações. Desta forma é necessário ir sempre prevenido.
  • O canyon deve ser evitado com caudal forte pois existem muitas zonas encaixadas e destrepes delicados.

Altitude início:600m
Altitude fim:380m
Cascata mais alta:13m
Corda mínima (x2):15m
Dificuldade vertical:2 - Fácil
Dificuldade aquática:  4 - Algo difícil
Dificuldade saída:III - Moderado
Ligação carro:6km



croqui ribeira seca inferior

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9 Comentários

  1. Sol Armer 7 Fevereiro, 2024

    This is the most beautiful and one of the most fun canyons I’ve done in Madeira. However, anchors are poor, there is a dangerous tree choke at the end of the narrow section between R5 and R6 and there have been multiple landslides/ rock falls. Escape from this canyon isn’t possible, we tried it once and ended up getting rescued after 30hours and 600m of vertical ascent. Currently, I would only recommend a descent down this canyon in very low flow until the tree choke has been cleared. Look below for photos on the tree choke, and water levels.

    This canyon is rarely visited. We descended most of this canyon in Feb 2023 in very high flow (surprisingly) and did a full trip in Feb 2024 in low/ average flow. From both of my descents, I think a more accurate grade for this canyon is V3 A4 IV, although in low water it is more like an A3 or even A2 and in high flow it could be V4.

    On our first descent with relative beginners, we were in the canyon until R6 for 7 hours before trying to escape. On the second descent with a fast team we were in the canyon for 4.5 hours.
    Both times we needed to place several anchors, some of which have been buried by the tree choke. For anyone planning to descend this, I would recommend taking spare anchors in case any are needed.

    There is sharp rock on R6 and we lowered each other down this drop.
    We left a rope on R7 as the exit wasn’t clear.

    For reference, the path on the map north west of the canyon doesn’t exist. Or at least, we couldn’t find it when I tried to retrieve my equipment.

    The “bridge” between R5 and R6 doesn’t exist, instead what you are looking at is an enormous landslide.

    The exit for this canyon is at a wooden bridge. Go up to the right and follow the dirt road. Instead of taking the left (which takes you through someone’s garden) take the right at the junction and follow the dirt road down to the main road. It may be possible to exit this canyon before R7 by following a sheep track, but we didn’t follow this for long enough to say.

    I love this canyon, but I hate it as well. It has lots of slides, jumps, aquatic abseils and hydraulics in high flow making it fun, and it is beautiful with 40m high walls and narrow slots. However, the poor anchors and tree chokes make it dangerous. I look forward to the day it is more regularly used and well maintained.

  2. Sol Armer 7 Fevereiro, 2024

    Ribeira Seca; dangerous tree choke at the end of the narrow section between R5 and R6. This photo only shows part of the tree choke. Previous bolts placed last year in high flow were burried. One new bolt was placed this year. I do not recommend descending the canyon in high flow until this tree choke has cleared. 01.02.2024

    2 other comments below should have been dated 2024 too.

  3. Sol Armer 7 Fevereiro, 2024

    Ribeira Seca Dam/ Levada at the top of the canyon in low/ average flow. 01.02.2023

  4. Sol Armer 7 Fevereiro, 2024

    Ribeira Seca low/ average flow R1 01.02.2023

  5. Sol Armer 7 Fevereiro, 2024

    Ribeira Seca very high flow R1 24.02.2023

  6. Tiago Freitas 2 Maio, 2023

    Descido a 29-04-23

    Caudal normal. Sem alterações em relação aos últimos comentários.
    Percurso de grande beleza natural.

  7. Descido a 17/09/2022, caudal fraco. R6 reequipado 2pontos com corrente, altura 20 metros. Canyon sem escapatórias.

  8. Miguel sousa 30 Maio, 2021

    Descido a 30.5.2021
    Caudal medio fraco
    Em R6 Derrocada de grandes dimensões levou equipamento e bloqueou o canyon provocando uma grande quantidade de troncos e lama…
    E possivel transpor a derrocada mas oferece grande risco

  9. Descido a 09-03-2019.
    Caudal normal/fraco.`
    Foram colocadas algumas amarrações mas devido à falta de material não foi possível terminar o equipamento.
    R1 – ok
    R2 – ok (colocada novas plaquetas)
    R3 – ok (colocação do 2º ponto)
    R4 – colocação de nova amarração (falta colocar parabolt + plaqueta)
    R5 – colocação de nova amarração (falta colocar parabolt + plaqueta)
    R6 – Não existia, foral colocados 2 parabolts (falta colocar as plaquetas e as porcas)
    R7 – ok

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